10 Blockbuster Leading Men So Boring They Almost Put Us To Sleep

3. Taylor Kitsch

Boring Blockbusters: John Carter (2012), Battleship (2012) Taylor Kitsch probably couldn't believe his luck when he landed the starring role in not one, but two of 2012's most expensive blockbusters. Unfortunately for the Canadian actor, the reception to both was lukewarm to say the least and his career as a viable blockbuster man was seemingly over before it had even began. Andrew Stanton's John Carter was a wildly ambitious production, and will no doubt be heralded as a cult favourite years from now. However, the fact remains that it is one of the biggest box office disasters in history, one that reportedly cost Disney a financial write-down upwards of $100m. A visually stunning old-fashioned adventure, it speaks volumes about Kitsch's performance that he is arguably the least convincing character despite being surrounded by creatures from another planet. Unconvincing at the best of times and downright wooden at the worst, such an expensive epic could have greatly benefited from a stronger leading man. Battleship, the Michael Bay-iest movie ever that wasn't directed by Michael Bay, sees Kitsch fare no better. The concept seemed doomed from the start, and the movie holds the record for worst opening weekend ever for a feature that cost over $200m. Playing a character as dull and formulaic as the script, Kitsch displays little emotion or charisma while delivering plenty of head-shakingly terrible dialogue. As proven by Friday Night Lights, Savages and Lone Survivor, Kitsch can act when given the right material. However, it seems that leading a big-budget studio movie is an opportunity he won't be given again anytime soon based on his history.

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