10 Blockbusters Due In 2015 You Probably Haven't Heard Of

4. Frankenstein (January 2015)

FrankensteinDirector: Paul McGuigan Cast: James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe & Jessica Brown Findlay Plot: It's too early to say if this adaptation of Mary Shelley's gothic horror masterpiece will stick closely to the source material but with Daniel Radcliffe confirmed as playing Igor (who is not in the original book) to McAvoy's Dr Frankenstein it looks to have a few surprises up its Victorian sleeve in this re-telling of one man's obsession with the secrets of immortality. What To Expect: Gothic horror is alive! Director Paul McGuigan is riding high after his stint on BBC's Sherlock and, with underrated sci-fi film Push and violent crime flick Gangster No. 1 to his name, looks to have the right combination of skills required to get the most out of Mary Shelley's iconic tale. When you also consider an interesting cast with the talented McAvoy and Harry Potter himself inverting his good boy image further this could be the horror smash of the year.

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.