The Movie: Neill Blomkamp's directorial debut, produced by Peter Jackson, tells the story of social segregation and bigotry in a world where aliens live amongst humans segregated into camps. A clear analogy for South African apartheid, District 9 boasts an exceptional visual style - considering its modest budget - and a story which is considerably more thought-provoking than the average sci-fi blockbuster. The Campaign: The Sony Pictures "Humans Only" poster campaign was a masterclass in creating quirky yet relevant advertising which ties into the spirit of the source material. Bus stops and billboards urged the reader to call the toll-free number to inform the authorities of any non-human activities, while blogs, games and "educational" websites made up the online presence. Effectiveness: District 9 was a huge success at the box office, earning over $200 million from just a $30 million budget. Of course, the quality of the movie itself has as much to do with its success as the marketing campaign, but no doubt the "Humans Only" campaign had intrigued more than a few people whose bums ended up on seats.