10 Bonkers Theories About 2015’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

2. Riley Is Bisexual - Inside Out

The Theory: Disney has a long history of subliminal sexual images in their films, and this theory says that Pixar like to get in the act too - the reason Riley has both male and female emotions, whereas all other characters have single genders, is that she's bisexual. Why It's Believable: For a film that is so meticulous in its construction of the the mind, it seems something of an oversight that an eleven year old girl would have emotions of both genders. It could have been argued that there's male and female emotions, but despite being anachronistic, it makes a lot more sense that it's symbolism of something lying deep in Riley's subconscious. Why It Can't Be True: Well, Pete Docter himself has said this isn't the case - speaking to HitFlix he revealed there was no deep reason for the gender choices and that it was all done in the name of comedy (so, picking whichever actor worked best). That's pretty resolute, but even if the director hadn't passed comment it all sounds a bit silly.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.