10 Most Boring Blockbusters Of All-Time

2. Battlefield Earth

Battlefield Earth should never have been made. Not just because of its association with Scientology creator L. Ron Hubbard, or because John Travolta looks absolutely ridiculous in that make-up, but because its very existence is embarrassing to the human race as a species. It takes approximately 8 minutes to become totally beaten into a bored submission by this movie... and it runs at a very, very gruelling 2 hours. If Battlefield Earth's intention had been to create a movie so tedious and so mind-numbingly incoherent that it physically hurts to watch it, then $78 million dollars well spent. Sadly, it appears as though the people involved - specifically Travolta - intended for this flick to be worthwhile. Indeed, Battlefield Earth is so boring that it might be used as some sort of sick torture device: two viewings could genuinely break your mind.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.