10 Brilliant Moments In Terrible Recent Films

2. Bike Fight - Gemini Man

When Gemini Man finally made its way into movie theatres in 2019, it quickly became clear just why this project had been sitting around in developmental hell for almost 20 years.

In order to make audiences fully believe in the story being told, that of a man taking on a younger cloned version of himself, the digital de-ageing of the film's lead character Henry Brogan had to be deeply convincing. Yet, many of the finished visuals here ended up looking like the sort of animation you'd see in a video game cutscene. This, combined with a deeply generic plot, made Gemini Man yet another failure of an action feature starring Will Smith.

Not every scene in this clone war makes you wish you'd fallen asleep mid-film, though. In fact, the moment Brogan faces off against his younger self for the first time is actually a surprisingly enthralling clash of old and new.

While the older Brogan attempts to outsmart the clone, the younger version uses his unmatched athleticism and speed to get the upper hand. Things then get taken up a notch when the pair begin to race through the streets on motorcycles. Then, just as the younger Brogan looks to be in full control after sending his bike flying towards his target, the police arrive and the clone flees.

If the rest of Gemini Man had been even half as exciting as this Brogan Vs Brogan battle, Smith could've been onto a serious winner here. Sadly, everything before and after this exchange was about as forgetful as it gets.

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Dark Phoenix
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...