10 Brilliantly Self Aware Wes Craven Cameos

8. Diary Of The Dead - Newsreader


After the big budget Land Of The Dead failed to connect with audiences as it should, George Romero went back to basics with a stripped down film that combined the low budget zombie outbreak narrative of his breakthrough picture Night Of The Living Dead with the found footage genre popular in the twenty-first century.

The irony of the film's casting choices is in the fact that, while its leading roles are played by far from familiar faces (a small part for a pre-Orphan Black Tatiana Maslany is as starry as it gets), the voices of newsreaders heard on radio and TV are some of the genre's biggest names.

Genre icons including Simon Pegg, Tom Savini, Guillermo Del Toro, and Quentin Tarantino can all be heard reporting on the return of the living dead as well as Craven, a fun nod to all the fans whose work Romero has influenced and remain admirers of his. Romero himself cameos as a cop seen on TV.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies