10 British Actors (Who Weren't In Harry Potter) That Should Be In Fantastic Beasts

6. Naomie Harris

Daniel Kaluuya Hogwarts

Naomie Harris has been working pretty steadily since her breakout turn in Danny Boyle's modern horror classic 28 Days Later, but she's yet to snag a role you could call iconic. Yes, she's been a part of major franchises like Pirates of the Caribbean and James Bond, but you'd never really identify her as the star of those movies. As good as she is as Moneypenny in Skyfall and Spectre, Harris deserves another character she can really leave her stamp on.

Much like Ahmed and Oyelowo, Harris is something of a shapeshifter in acting. She's recognisable but not distractingly so, and that's a good thing in a big franchise like this. Having Johnny Depp play your main villain is already enough to take any audience out of the experience. Harris has shown a capability to play noble and villainous roles, as well as those in-between.

For example, her recent Oscar-nominated turn in Moonlight showed her as a despicable character but one we could empathise with. The Wizarding World has had its share of sympathetic and complicated villain characters like Snape and Creedence, but their evil acts come out of necessity for the greater good and an inability to control themselves respectively.

Harris could do a good job of playing a wicked character that shows some remorse for her actions. With Grindelwald already being set up as essentially another Voldemort, the series could use some more variety in its villains.


Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.