10 British Actors (Who Weren't In Harry Potter) That Should Be In Fantastic Beasts

5. Charles Dance

Daniel Kaluuya Hogwarts
Screen Gems

Depending on who you ask, Charles Dance is either "that guy" or a legend. Modern audiences will be most familiar with him through his portrayal of Tywin Lannister on Game of Thrones, but Dance's career is far more storied and interesting than that.

He made his big screen debut playing a heavy in the Bond film For Your Eyes Only, had a memorable supporting role as Clemens in Alien 3, and played the main villain Benedict in the Arnold Schwarzenegger cult classic Last Action Hero. Dance is no stranger to franchises recently though, having had a small role in the last two Underworld films and been a part of stalled series like Dracula Untold and the Ghostbusters reboot.

Dance's whole personality feels like it was made to play in a sandbox like the Wizarding World, so much that it's a wonder he's never taken on a role in the franchise before. Dance would fit into a villainous role in this world with little effort, like perhaps as some kind of mentor to Grindelwald. Maybe he could do the voice and/or motion capture for some terrifying mythical beast, like how fellow Thrones actor Julian Glover did the voice of Aragog.

But Dance could easily fit into a nobler role too, but one just as strict. He definitely fit in as a teacher at Hogwarts. Maybe he could be the one who got Newt Scamander expelled in the first place.


Aspiring screenwriter, film critic, pop culture fanatic and perpetual dreamer. May contain nuts.