10 Brits You Never Realised Were In Pixar Films

2. Ian Holm

As far as being unrecognisable goes, it is pretty much what actors are striving for with their roles, to allow the character to be front and centre in the audiences' minds. Putting on an accent can help achieve this, but even Julie Walters and Emma Thompson's own voices can be heard when you realise who they are. Knowing that the voice behind Ratatouille's outrageous French chef Skinner is in fact that of English gentleman Ian Holm however, it is still hard to believe. Although acting alongside the instantly perceptible tones of fellow classical actor Peter O'Toole does help take the attention away from Holm, this should not be used to take any attention away from Holm's achievement. Skinner is perhaps Pixar's finest ever antagonist; he delivers a lot of the films humour, but this is never exaggerated more than it needs to be, ultimately he is animated, but still very human. And it is this side of this character which Holm handles so expertly. Amongst the whole host of awards won by Ratatouille, it is hardly surprising that Holm's Annie Award For Voice Acting was among them, but the fact that this was his only recognition for such a unique portrayal is just disappointing. Almost enough to make you smell a rat.
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Andi Peters
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One man fate has made indescribable