10 Cameos Everyone Wants To See In 2016's Biggest Movies

6. Steven Hiller - Independence Day: Resurgence

This is perhaps the least likely of all the cameos on this list, and yet there's some niggling feeling that, against the odds, it still could play out in some fashion. That's right: Will Smith isn't set to appear in belated 2016's Independence Day sequel alongside Jeff Goldblum - a damn shame, given that much of the joy of the first film was generated by way of their delicious, unlikely chemistry. What's worse is that Hiller - according to the sequels' viral marketing - was apparently killed in a test flight when one of the government's new alien-hybrid ships crashed. Either this a massive, brilliant and inspired ruse, or Will Smith really isn't coming back. Even if it doesn't happen, though, there's no use pretending that fans don't want it: can you imagine if, during the film's third act when everything looks bleak and there's no way out, Steven Hiller zooms in piloting a jet and, like, blows an alien up with a missile or something? "Thought you could do this without me, Dave?" he deadpans to Goldblum, and the audiences of the world cheer, because that totally imagined scene is amazing. Amazing.
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Will Smith
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.