10 Cameos Everyone Wants To See In 2016's Biggest Movies

5. Aaron Cross - Bourne 5

You know how they should have done Bourne 5, don't you? They should have made it a team-up movie starring both Matt Damon and Jeremy Renner and called it "The Bourne Alliance" or something. You know, two very skilled and very p*ssed off guys team up to seek revenge on a shady organisation... there's definitely a movie in there somewhere. Unfortunately, Hollywood decided not to go down this route with Bourne 5, and - according to the movie's cast list, anyway - Renner (who played the main character in Bourne spin-off The Bourne Legacy) won't reprise his role as broody punch-machine Aaron Cross. And yet there's no pretending that having Cross pop up in the film for a few scenes, at least, wouldn't help to cement The Bourne Legacy as a proper part of the franchise and not just something Hollywood tossed out at random when Matt Damon decided he was done with the series. There's a rumour that Renner is still getting his own Bourne sequel, but nobody wants that. How about you just put him in this movie and make them, like, fight?
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.