10 Casting Decisions Fanboys Rallied Against (And Were Right About)

2. Halle Berry - Patience Phillips - Catwoman

Catwoman Here it is. The movie that doomed Halle Berry's career and pretty much ruined her prospects in the aftermath of Oscar glory. Where is she now? Making appearances in things like Movie 43, apparently (and that's the most recognisable movie in her filmography of late). The initial reaction to Berry's casting as Catwoman was mostly mixed, with many fans citing her as a bad choice simply because they wanted Michelle Pfeiffer to reprise her role from Batman Returns. Others thought she lacked the right "tone" for Catwoman. A bunch of people (okay, most people) just didn't really care. It's safe to say, in the aftermath of the movie's release, that Berry was wrong for the part in so many ways, but it's hard to focus on her performance when the rest of the movie is so terrible. Catwoman is often thought to be one of the worst movies ever made, mainly because it is (and because it fails to do pretty much anything right). Berry plays Catwoman almost as if she's really trying to play Catwoman, but also like she's not bothered about doing a good job at all. It's strange to watch, because tonally it's all over the place. Basically it sucked, though, and the fanboys reigned supreme because, hey, their predictions with this one were on the money.

All-round pop culture obsessive.