10 CGI Moments In The MCU We All Missed

5. Formula 1 Cars – Iron Man 2

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness

After the success of Iron Man, Marvel Studios were willing to put more money in the sequel to ensure the visuals and action sequences were bigger and better. Thanks to the work of 11 visual studios, every CGI effect in Iron Man 2 was rendered to perfection.

Our titular hero's armour was sharper than ever. Whiplash's suit and weapons are obviously enhanced digitally but they still look top-notch. The holographics look so genuine this time around, some viewers wondered if they were real.

But there was one special effect many people missed in the Monaco Grand Prix scene. When the Formula One vehicles are zooming past Whiplash, you may wonder what precautions were taken to ensure Mickey Rourke didn’t get hit.

And the answer is simple – CGI cars. Even though it looks like there are dozens of automobiles taking part in the race, there are only six authentic F1 vehicles, each provided by the Historic Grand Prix Association. Because you only see each car whizzing by for a split-second, its impossible to tell they're not really there, meaning Rourke was never in any danger.


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