10 Characters That Need To Be Introduced In Future DC Movies

8. Catman

Power Girl
DC Comics

Originally a joke adversary for Batman with a ludicrous costume, Catman was hardly an original or signficant DC villain. But in recent years he has been reworked into a character similar to Spiderman's Kraven.

Cinematic portrayals of DC's Catwoman, and Marvel's Black Cat have never truly harnessed the potential of an actual catlike character. Spider-Man has been shown to have various characteristics, abilities and the physicality of a spider, and Catman could do the same.

Having a blatant mirror image to Batman, rather than an ideological and psychological mirror, would work well in the upcoming solo Batman movie, as opposed to just Deathstroke- one has to assume he's not the only villain carrying the film.

Catman is a character that could be a small-scale antagonistic threat in the DCEU, as so far every villain has threatened to destroy or take over the world. the introduction of Catman represents an attempt to scale things down from time to time, and make him a villain which could be more personally devastating to the likes of Batman or The flash in their downtime from universe-threatening forces.

Sort of like Syndrome in The Incredibles, having a bad guy once treated like a joke who has a complete makeover, gets in touch with his animalistic side and comes back to Gotham with a bloodlust similar to a serial killer would be refreshing in the DCEU.

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Power Girl
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Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding