10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

8. War Machine

The Iron Spider

Along with Rescue, War Machine comes with his own suit. Unlike her, he has vast amounts of experience in it, and Don Cheadle is much better placed than Gwyneth Paltrow to star in an action blockbuster.

If anything though, he’s too obvious. James Rhodes is just Tony Stark lite. Hopefully he’ll stick around, as it was great to see him spread his wings and interact with Nebula, but if he gets a solo movie? It’ll smack of ‘we wanted to make Iron Man 4 but he’s dead so here’s War Machine’.

Okay, so by that logic he’s out as face of the franchise. However, with his military experience and long standing knowledge of the Avengers and of Tony Stark, he could step up in other ways.

While Spider-Man will be the box office draw in any future Avengers movie, War Machine could be the glue that holds the whole thing together.

With no Tony, Steve or Natasha, plus Hawkeye likely retired and a very different Thor and Hulk, Endgame marks a definitive end of an era. While War Machine won’t be the leading light of the next era, he may help bridge the gap as everything settles in.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)