10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

7. Captain Marvel

The Iron Spider
Marvel Studios

Some people don’t like Captain Marvel and think Brie Larson is an SJW.

With that out of the way, hopefully we can discuss now how a massively powerful hero with a billion dollar solo movie behind her and a star who’s won an Oscar and still sees her stock rising might be a good pick as the face of the next MCU generation.

Captain Marvel is, in terms of raw stats, one of the best heroes the MCU has. For all the negativity that follows Larson, the support for Captain Marvel’s flick shows they’re in the minority.

There are notable downsides to picking her though. Her solo movie left unfinished business in the 90s, both with Yon-Rogg and Maria Rambeau, so her carrying on in Tony’s footsteps might be difficult.

Also she’s not as focussed on Earth as Tony (probably the least Earth focussed of all the human heroes), so leading Earth’s mightiest defenders doesn’t fit her brand.

Obviously she was shipped off early on in Endgame to keep the focus on the OGs, but it still established that she wouldn’t always be around to save the day.

She’ll be a big part of the MCU moving forward, just not as big as Tony Stark.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)