10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

6. Black Panther

The Iron Spider
Marvel Studios

Black Panther, like Captain Marvel, represented a new, more diverse direction for the MCU, and also pulled in money by the bucketload.

Despite Chadwick Boseman previously refusing to comment on any sequel (simply protesting ‘I’m dead’ after Infinity War) we know now that he’s alive... not that we didn’t already, mind you.

A Black Panther sequel is in the works, and with Okoye teasing Namor’s arrival in Endgame, we might already have our villain too. Once that’s out of the way though, Black Panther is probably the best placed hero to take over from Tony Stark.

Boseman and Black Panther are both fairly popular, yet both have room to grow; ideal for the fresh new face of the franchise.

When it comes to leading, he’s literally a King (although he died, so who knows what the succession is like in Wakanda right now) and pledged to be less isolationist. Linking up with the Avengers could help him and Wakanda do much more good in the world.

Finally, he’s also helped by a techie suit, and with Shuri’s help, could be kitted out with an awesome Black Panther/Iron Man amalgamation.

Oh, and speaking of Shuri...

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)