10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

5. Ironheart

The Iron Spider
Marvel Comics

When Shuri first burst onto the scene in Black Panther, she made quite the impact. Fantastically played by Letitia Wright, the relatively minor role became one of the movie’s biggest talking points.

This in turn set Shuri up with a bigger role in Infinity War and saw her involved in the final battle of Endgame. She didn’t, as many expected following her Black Panther turn though, get much screen time with Tony Stark.

At one point, the stage seemed set for her to absorb Riri Williams’ role and become Ironheart. Now, that seems less likely, but the actual Riri Williams could definitely still feature to definitively take over as Iron Man.

Most importantly, this has Robert Downey Jr’s seal of approval. At the Gene Siskel Film Center, while honouring Iron Man director Jon Favreau, Robert Downey pushed the idea of Riri Williams in the MCU, something which has been met with instant approval online.

Perhaps as a talented scientist working for one of Stark’s graduate programs, Williams could meet Pepper or Happy, and become a rising star who impresses so much, she’s entrusted to continue Tony’s legacy.

Introducing her without Stark is difficult, but not impossible.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)