10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

4. Spectrum

The Iron Spider
Marvel Comics

As previously mentioned, Captain Marvel is sure to be a major player in the MCU moving forward, though her timeline and priorities may block her from helming the Avengers the way Tony Stark once had.

However, in Spectrum, she has an opportunity to anchor herself to the Avengers without upsetting her own story too much.

Spectrum is who Monica Rambeau becomes in the comics, and she may well follow suit on the silver screen too. Her powers are connected to energy manipulation and absorption; a bit of a new idea for the MCU.

Various origin stories have her bombarded with extra dimensional energy of some kind; the MCU though could have her involved in an arc reactor incident.

She’s previously worn the title Captain Marvel herself, and was leader of the Avengers then too.

Regardless of how close (or far away) she gets to Tony’s story, surely she’ll be in the MCU before long. The first Captain Marvel movie cast her into considerable spotlight, but her only real influence was designing Carol’s new suit.

With her set to be the perfect age in the current MCU present day and a set of hugely cinematic powers, it’ll be a missed opportunity if we don’t see her.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)