10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

3. Reed Richards

The Iron Spider
Marvel Comics

If everything were simple, this wouldn’t be up for discussion; Reed Richards would be stepping up to replace Tony Stark as the MCU’s MVP.

He would already have a successful Fantastic Four movie behind him; one which told us his origin in a quick yet compelling way and avoided the pitfalls of the previous efforts expertly. His casting surprised us at first, but when we saw him in the role we realised he was born for it.

The villain was complex, but not too ambitious narratively and the movie set up Doctor Doom for down the line, then things kicked into another gear when the Four played a huge part in Infinity War and Endgame.

Unfortunately, things are not simple, and licensing issues means the Fantastic Four have only just been cleared to even step foot in the MCU. Reed still remains a fantastic leader, brilliant personality, iconic figure and big enough name to be the ‘new Iron Man’, as well as having the genius part of billionaire genius playboy philanthropist down.

Right now though, it would take a lot of set up for him to be a viable successor in any sense of the word.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)