10 Christmas Movies You Should Never Let The Kids Watch

3. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)

This film has the distinct dishonour of a place on the bottom 100 list of IMDb, and is considered to be one of the worst films ever made, and if you make your kids sit through this on Christmas Day, they probably should be placed in care. The plot of the film is that Martian kids are considered to be watching too much Earth television, and the education system restricts their individuality and freedom of thought. In order to provide the children with the fun they require, the Martians decide to abduct Santa Claus, and he is the subject of numerous assassination attempts by Voldar. After building his factory to develop the toys for the children, Santa is targeted and sabotaged, before suggesting that a Martian Santa is placed in his stead so he can return to Earth. The plot was about as farfetched as it gets, and lead actor John Call's big break turned out to be virtually his curtain call, as the film was so badly panned for the poor filming, effects and costumes. Built on a shoe-string budget, the film has developed a cult status, amongst people who clearly have nothing better to do. To digest this film, you have to forget anything you know about science, reality and common sense, and even if that were possible, the songs will make you want to slit your ears off and chuck them into the turkey stuffing. http://youtu.be/HnEJrwYXXsI
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I am a British student currently studying at the University of York, and have a passionate interest in WWE, English football (soccer) and video gaming.