10 Cinematic Summonings Of The Devil

6. End Of Days

End Of Days Thus far the examples I've offered have been mainly non-vocal. From here on in that is going to change. As corrupter and supreme tempter the Devil has naturally been characterised as having something of a silver tongue, and no where is this more prevalent than in End of Days. Gabriel Byrne, perfectly manifesting his role as adversary and accuser gushes quotable line after quotable line and if he was up against anyone other than Schwarzenegger you'd be willing Satan to win. With a plot that plays on millennial fear and fervour, End of Days managed to assemble quite a prestigious cast beyond it's two leads. This is impressive in itself, but even more impressive are the things Satan gets up to starting the very second he possesses The Man. Couple that with Arnold's cynical and justifiably jaded retired cop and you wonder what room there is left for God? Much in the same vein as the Omen films, End of Days is quite deliciously subversive - that is, until its final act where good appears out of nowhere to make everything all right. Aww.

David is grateful not only for the opportunity WhatCulture! has given him but also for the tens of thousands of views that you have given him. Particularly, when he still considers his efforts as somewhat clumsy and amateurish. Like H.P. Lovecraft, David will probably never be happy with his own work. Still this doesn't stop him studying E-Prime, Game Theory, Tantra, Magic, Media Analysis & Criticism along with many other things outside of his top secret day to day job and writing for WhatCulture! All of this in a no doubt conceited effort to improve not only his writing but also himself as a person.