10 Cinematic Summonings Of The Devil

5. South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut

South Park Bigger Longer Uncut Movie Taking the more vocal appearances to something of an extreme, these next two entries also portray the Lord of Darkness in a somewhat more comical light. True, the blatantly drug fueled psychedelia of Invocation of My Demon Brother and the appearance of the Sabbatic Goat elicit unintentional laughs, and you may well be laughing at the pithy indictments made by The Man in End of Days, but these next two incarnations are deliberately played for laughs. In South Park: Movie Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Satan actually plays a subordinate role to a greater villain - Kyle's Mum... sorry, I meant Saddam Hussein. Satan, at one point, expresses his lament through song. The melodrama between these two is the source of much hilarity and plays out through many scenes that leave one wondering how they ever made it past the censors. Remember kids: without evil there can be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes.

David is grateful not only for the opportunity WhatCulture! has given him but also for the tens of thousands of views that you have given him. Particularly, when he still considers his efforts as somewhat clumsy and amateurish. Like H.P. Lovecraft, David will probably never be happy with his own work. Still this doesn't stop him studying E-Prime, Game Theory, Tantra, Magic, Media Analysis & Criticism along with many other things outside of his top secret day to day job and writing for WhatCulture! All of this in a no doubt conceited effort to improve not only his writing but also himself as a person.