10 Cloverfield Lane: A Complete Guide To The Viral Marketing

12. Swamp Pop - Eiffel Tower Jigsaw

Because Swamp Pop is a real brand, you're able to purchase real soda from them, which is exactly what intrepid clue hunters did. And, in another parallel to Slusho (whose branded merchandise came with other clues), these drinks came along with three jigsaw puzzle pieces. A jigsaw was a key part of the first trailer, so this acted as a thematic tie-in if nothing else, although there attempts to find something deeper. Studying of various sets of pieces revealed they were all from an Eiffel Tower puzzle, which wasn't the same design (or even brand) as the one seen in the movie. However, there was still a picture of the landmark hanging on one of the walls, which points to this either being intended as an endorsement of Swamp Pop's link to the ARG (some think it's just a random company capitalising on being featured in the movie, but I think we've established there's enough to rule that out), although as we'll see the Eiffel Tower itself forms an important through-line for this campaign. Whatever the case, this strand hasn't led much further, meaning it was at best intended to be a slow reintroduction to the world with a Slusho parallel. Don't worry though - the game continues, and it gets much more exciting.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.