10 Cloverfield Lane Trailer Breakdown: 15 Clues You Need To See

2. So, What's Outside?

This is the best look we get of the outside world in the trailer - a quick, blurry glimpse as the camera pans across to Winstead. In motion, those lights appear to be a house, furthering the thinking that we're actually in some form of residency area. Of course, that's wild speculation and it could be just about anything.
Whatever is of importance outside, it's not something immediately noticeable - instead of being immediately shocked and horrified, Winstead is gradually drawn to the window. I'm expecting an awesome reveal scene built up to over the movie. As for what's revealed, it's delightfully impossible to even guess with certainty. Is it a destroyed city? The monster? Or is it something entirely different, a massive shocker for the audience? Who knows, but I am willing to bet Bad Robot will be pulling out all the stops to ensure it isn't revealed until the film's release.
After this final shot comes the most haunting line from the trailer, "Something's coming." Something. So it's not a virus or other form of pandemic that's causing this force quarantine - and Goodman knows it. This has me thinking that J.J.'s "blood relative" quote is actually playing down the connection.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.