10 Clues For The Future Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. The Nova Force

Guardians Of The Galaxy introduced the intergalactic military and police force known as the Nova Corps. In the comic books, the Nova Corps are far more powerful than they were depicted in the movie - and that's thanks largely to their use of an energy concept known as the Nova Force, which enables the higher-ranking members of the organisation to become superheroes in their own right. The Nova Force was distinctly missing from the movie, but there is one thing that would suggest it is coming - the fact that the Infinity Stone known as the Orb was left in the custody of the Nova Corps at the end. Could it be that the Nova Corps end up utilising the Orb to create the Nova Force? It would essentially be the same as what S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to do with the Tesseract and would open the door for the introduction of Richard Rider AKA Nova to become a prominent hero in future Marvel Cinematic Universe instalments.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.