10 Clues For The Future Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. Crossbones

Brock Rumlow was a prominent character in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Portrayed by Frank Grillo, he was a HYDRA sleeper agent who was posing as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., working as the leader of the STRIKE team that Captain America and Black Widow were shown to occasionally work alongside. By the end of the film, he had revealed himself to be a villain and engaged in his own final battle of sorts with Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson. He was last seen as a charred mess, having been found in the wreckage following the destruction of the Triskelion. In the comic books, Brock Rumlow goes on to become the villain Crossbones - wearing a mask in his role as the character. Putting two and two together, it's easy to see that showing his body being recovered and covered in burns was meant to insinuate that he will return under a mask as Crossbones. So expect Captain America to have to deal with a new and improved Rumlow in future movies.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.