10 Clues For The Future Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. General Ross & The Superhuman Registration Act

General Ross first encountered Tony Stark on screen in the post-credits scene of 2008's The Incredible Hulk. In the scene, Stark approached Ross in a bar and talked about putting together a team. It is known that Tony Stark will be the proponent of the Superhuman Registration Act - a legislative bill that insists upon superhumans registering as such in order to make them accountable for any damage they cause - and it was obviously the case in the Hulk movie that Ross' aim was to capture the mighty green beast, make him accountable for the damage he had caused, and potentially weaponise him. It is now also believed that Ross will appear in Ant-Man, approaching Hank Pym about getting him involved with the Superhuman Registration Act and, if that is to be the case, the post-credits scene in Hulk had essentially foreshadowed Ross siding with Stark as far back as seven years ago.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.