10 Comedy Actors Who Became Ripped Action Stars

10. Ryan Reynolds

kumail nanjiani
Myriad Pictures/New Line Cinema

Even before the actor went on to become a shredded piece of beef later in his movie career, Ryan Reynolds wasn't exactly an unfit looking individual during his early comedy days. But the Reynolds who whipped his clothes off for a naked mile in National Lampoon's Van Wilder and the one seen getting his topless ass whooped by Triple H in Blade Trinity seem like two different individuals entirely.

To get into vampire hunting shape, Reynolds spent six-days a week working out for three months, putting away 3,200 calories-a-day in order to put on 25lbs of muscle.

This successful physical transformation would kickstart the action star phase of his acting life, with Reynolds eventually brought in to play superheroes in films like Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Sure, the films themselves may not have taken off in the way producers might've hoped, but Reynolds still looked every bit the hench hero.

Then, when the charismatic star was finally given the green light to star in a Rated R stand-alone Deadpool movie, the quick-witted Reynolds put on seven pounds of lean muscle, and his chiselled physique only added more shine to some already pitch-perfect casting of the 'Merc with a Mouth'.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...