10 Comic Book Movie Henchmen Who Deserve Way More Praise

6. Korath - Guaradians Of The Galaxy (2014)

Lady Deathstrike
Marvel Studios

In a film filled with colourful, outrageous and bombastic roles, one of the more under-appreciated characters has to be Djimon Hounsou's Korath who serves more as a secondary enemy than any actual opposing threat.

His early introduction in the film sums up everything you should expect from the movie. After Peter Quill's dance through Morag during the opening credits, he is confronted by the Kree defector and Korath becomes the catalyst for one of the most memorable exchanges of dialogue in the MCU.

To see Korath return in prequel form in Captain Marvel should have foreshadowed his turn to the darker side as a chief enforcer for Ronan The Accuser, but instead he continues to portray the stern and literal no-nonsense enemy our playful heroes have come to loathe.

Korath doesn't pose as great an enemy in the final fight as he should, and his demise is only something memorable because it is committed by Drax whose equally literal and humorously-humourless dialogue makes us chuckle as he has the back of his skull ripped out from him.

Korath is loyal to whatever cause he's associated with, and is just as good a henchman as any of them.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!