10 Comic Book Movie One Liners That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

3. "Can You Read My Mind?" - Superman: The Movie

Storm One Liner
Warner Bros.

Richard Donner's 1978 Superman is a stone-cold classic of the genre for many reasons, and while the majority of the movie strikes an agreeably earnest note, things go too far the way of goofy when Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) decides to recite a poem while taking a flight with the Man of Steel (Christopher Reeve).

The cornball poem begins with "Can you read my mind?" and includes gooey clunkers like "I don't know who you are / Just a friend from another star", "Here I am, like a kid out of school / Holding hands with a god. I'm a fool" and "If you need a friend / I'm the one to fly to / If you need to be loved / Here I am!"

It's unbearably silly on its own de-merits but all the more absurd considering how sharply it forces the prickly reporter to pull a 180 and become, as she says, "a kid out of school" before Superman.

The scene would be so much more effective without the poem, which is sure to leave many viewers chortling with second-hand embarrassment.

At least we'll always have the brilliance of "You've got me? Who's got you?" to balance out this tosh.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.