10 Comic Book Movie Rumours We Hope Are Bullsh*t
9. The Chitauri Are Returning - Avengers: Infinity War
Everybody loves The Chitauri, right? They were the memorable alien army from The Avengers who took part in Loki’s New York invasion and were basically cannon fodder for our heroes to punch through. Sure, they may have been insanely generic and forgettable, but...well, there’s nothing to add there really.
Rumour has it they could be making a comeback, with a recent casting call for extras sounding an awful lot like a race of familiar aliens could reappear. Since they’re associated with Thanos – who will finally get off his arse and do something this time out – it makes sense they’d reappear in some form.
If they do return in all likelihood they’ll be generic henchmen again, and there solely for the sake of having something to punch. Hopefully the film will replace them with something more interesting, though, because it’s doubtful anyone is clamouring for them to come back.