10 Comic Book Movie Storylines That Still Need Resolving

8. Superman's Son (Superman Returns)

Throughout Superman Returns, it was hinted that Lois Lane's child - who was previously thought to be the son of her partner, the nephew of Daily Planet editor Perry White, Richard White - was actually the son of Superman himself. Whilst aboard Lex Luthor's yacht, the son - Jason White - exhibited an aversion to Kryptonite and, despite Luthor questioning his paternity, Lois remained convinced that Richard was his father. However, a display of superhuman strength - when Jason threw a piano at Luthor's henchman to protect his mother - confirmed he was Superman's son. The relationship between Superman and Jason was never explored, however, and it is unknown whether or not Jason went on to be a superhero in his own right. It would have been great to find out though.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.