10 Comic Book Movie Teases That Went Absolutely Nowhere

8. The Leader - The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk Leader

The Set-Up

In The Incredible Hulk, cellular scientist Dr Samuel Sterns worked with Bruce Banner to unlock the secret of his genetics and to develop an antidote (which turns out not to be all that useful). Unfortunately, as scientists tend to do in movies, he also over-reached and synthesised some of Banner's blood to show its practical uses in medicine and that naturally fell into the hands of Emil Blonsky.

The unhinged villain then shotgunned some of the gamma-ray mutated blood and became the Abomination, attacking Sterns and getting some of Banner's blood into a cut on his head, beginning a mutation. That would have led him down the path to becoming iconic Hulk villain The Leader, presumably in a sequel as actor Tim Blake Nelson signed on to play him again.

But Then...

Unfortunately, The Incredible Hulk once more disappointed (though it was classed as a success next to its comparatively low expectations) and all of the plans to have a direct sequel were shelved as Hulk became an Avengers with Mark Ruffalo in the lead.

The Leader, meanwhile, was simply never heard from again. Yet, anyway.

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