10 Comic Book Movies Critics & Audiences Couldn't Agree On

8. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Black Adam Dwayne Johnson
Warner Bros. Pictures

The SnyderVerse is a strange phenomenon within the realms of Hollywood. Instantly playing catch up to the MCU that had a five-year head start, the entire DCEU has faced challenges from within its own walls, and from outside, particularly while Zack Snyder played an influential role.

While critics have never particularly taken a shine to the director's work with DC and Warner Bros., there is a loyal army of fans that are willing to fight those doubters at every turn.

Realistically, any of the few movies to be classed under the aforementioned banner could have made this list, but the one that fits the bill the best is Dawn of Justice. The second movie in the DC Extended Universe has a huge difference of 34 between its shockingly low critic score of 29%, and a more respectable audience score of 63%.

This was supposed to be the franchise’s ‘Avengers moment’, which was always going to be tough to achieve in just the DCEU's second movie. Critics panned it, but fans seemingly loved seeing the return of Superman, opposite the likes of Batman and Wonder Woman. This was the Holy Trinity’s first time together in live-action after all.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.