10 Comic Book Movies That Could Have Been Saved With A Single Tweak

7. Just Having One Villain: Venom - Spider-Man 3

Ultimately, Spider-Man 3 was let down by the fact that director Sam Raimi was forced by the movie studio to include a bunch of aspects that he didn't really want to: namely, Venom. What should have happened, however, was that the movie should have focused on Venom and only Venom, removing the very unnecessary Sandman (and that awful retcon that poises him as the guy responsible for killing Uncle Ben). Had Spider-Man 3 been allowed to focus entirely on Eddie Brock's transformation into Venom, we could have used all of Sandman screentime to flesh out one of Marvel's most famous creations, instead of shoehorning him into an already overstuffed plot and doing the character a major disservice as a result. If Sony really wanted Venom that badly, Raimi should have considered making the whole movie about him.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.