10 Comic Book Movies That Should've Been Made Years Ago

2. Justice League

When Marvel made Iron Man in 2008, it wasn't the first solo film they'd produced about a member of the Avengers (see 2003's Hulk movie, for example), but it was the first to perform extremely well at the box office ($585 million at the box office). As a result, the company caught on immediately and began to expand the universe around Robert Downey, Jr.'s character - and it culminated just four years later with an Avengers movie. This article has already discussed the fact that both Batman and Superman have had successful movies in the past, so why didn't DC catch on like Marvel did that a franchise culminating in a team movie would be a huge success? It has taken Marvel making a $1 billion grossing movie with the Avengers for DC to realise that a Justice League movie is a potential box office phenomenon, when they really should have realised decades ago.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.