10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

4. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Justice League
Sony Pictures

Oh hey Sony, didn't learn your lesson before did you? Seven years after meddling with Spider-Man 3, the company's corporate execs decided to double down on their efforts and force the Amazing Spider-Man sequel to be the foundation of a Spidey villainverse. A very enticing prospect, considering the success of the MCU, but it's one that can not be forced. Unfortunately, Sony forced it, and it made Amazing Spider-Man 2 a greatly-overstuffed film that killed off the series.

ASM2 had all the potential needed for something notably different for the character's cinematic outings. The first live-action version of Electro (with an actor of Jamie Foxx's caliber playing him), the perfectly-cast Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone returning, and with the origin story out of the way, the sequel could go in bold new directions.

Alas, while they were certainly fresh takes on Spidey lore and Garfield/Stone were still as solid as ever, everything was just bloated and far too dense. Not to mention the 90's-level cheesy writing that inspired several unintentional laughs.

Since the movie couldn't just function as a sequel, it crumbled under the pressure and made something far too uneven in every aspect. Worst of all, it ended Andrew Garfield's tenure with the character, which may have proven to be ASM2's greatest failure.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.