10 Comic Book Movies That COMPLETELY Wasted Their Potential

3. Suicide Squad

Justice League
Warner Bros. Pictures

Suicide Squad, like several others on this list, were doomed from the start thanks to studio mishandling. While the movie did not lack for talent, what with the likes of Will Smith, Viola Davis, Margot Robbie, and Jared Leto filling out the star-studded cast and a talented director at the helm, the six-week time limit allotted for the screenplay guaranteed a mess. Well WB, that's what you got.

Quite honestly, it was a lot of executive decision-making that swept SS right off its feet, landing firmly on the ground. Reworking the tone and Harley/Joker's relationship so that it wasn't so dark, using the editor of the (admittedly-excellent) trailers as the complete film's actual editor, and that's just what is publicly known. All of these decisions made the film weak in almost every area except for its cast, who prop up the movie as much as they possibly can.

This was a great project for the DCU to take on, but WB allowed themselves to get influenced by critics and in turn, compromised what could've been. Now, instead of getting a second chance with a sequel, the series is getting rebooted by James Gunn.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.