10 Comic Book Movies That Don't Deserve To Be Rotten On Rotten Tomatoes

4. Constantine (2005)

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 46% Constantine rarely comes up in conversations about comic book films any more, which is a real shame. It never really deserved all the bad notices it received back in 2005, and watching it now it's even easier to see the movie for what it really is: a supernatural film noir made on a budget of $100 million. Most of the complaints surrounding Constantine concerned its unfaithfulness to the source material. No, it's not at all like the Hellblazer comics, and yet Keanu Reeves still delivers a solid performance as the psychic detective/demon-hunter of the title - even if the character was changed from that of a Liverpudlian to an American (hardly his fault: the film wasn't likely to ever get made with a Scouser as its central hero, was it?). Reeves makes Constantine both bitter and likeable at once, and the story concerning the mysterious death of a police officer's sister - though not always told in most efficient way - is genuinely gripping. Even a pre-Transformers Shia LaBeouf is tolerable as Constantine's sidekick, Chas Kramer, and even if there's some silly embellishments in there, they're not enough to spoil the mood or atmosphere on the whole. Comic book fans owe it to themselves to give this underrated picture another try.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.