10 Comic Book Movies That Should Have Been R-Rated

6. The Shadow

The Shadow Alec Baldwin The 1994 Alec Baldwin-starring adaptation of the beloved character The Shadow was described by critics at the time as "corny", and they're not far wrong; this PG-13-rated debacle is memorable only for Baldwin's gruff-voiced performance in the lead. If the goofy tone failing to connect with audiences is a fair indication of its need to have an R-rating, then recent plans seem to back this up; Sam Raimi was circling a reboot of The Shadow several years ago, working from a script that was heavily R-rated. Reportedly, the script contained nudity, brutal fight scenes - such as a man being fed into a meat grinder and coming out the other side, broken bones, severed limbs etc - and also the well-felt presence of prostitutes. Though studios are likely going to be reluctant to greenlight an R-rated reboot of a film that flopped as a PG-13, if they'd got it right in the first place, they might have had a niche R-rated franchise on their hands, much like Blade.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.