10 Comic Book Spin-Offs Of Iconic Horror Franchises

5. Leatherface

freddy vs jason vs ash comic cover
North Star Comics

Of all the horror individuals on this list, Leatherface and his chainsaw are perhaps the most believable. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is based on a true story and everything (well, not really, but it sounds good). That hasn't stopped him having quite the illustrious career in comic books though - as strange and diverse as the movies which spawned him.

Like most, Leatherface got a comic book adaptation of one of his movies - Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, published by Northstar Comics in 1991. Unlike the rest, however, this adaptation is one actually worth reading. In fact, in some places it's even better than the movie upon which it's based, playing fast and loose with the source material.

This unprecedented improvement on the movies continued when it came to the remakes too. Where the 2003 remake is largely regarded as a typical disappointment, its comic book sequel by Andy Lanning (published in 2007, by Wildstorm) might just be one of the greatest horror comics ever created, featuring a one-armed Leatherface and fevered, violent chainsaw battles between a vengeful victim's relative and the evil Hewitt family.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.