10 Comic Book Spin-Offs Of Iconic Horror Franchises

4. Michael Myers

freddy vs jason vs ash comic cover
Chaos Comics

Poor Michael Myers. As if the Halloween star's confusing, mixed-bag (to say the least) movie history wasn't enough, his short-lived, occasional comic book appearances are no less bizarre and mixed, in terms of quality.

No big official sequels or superstar crossovers for this slasher icon, Michael's comic book series have been limited to one-shots and failed series that barely anyone remembers. Most notable is Chaos! Comics' Halloween, a one-shot which did well enough to spawn a couple of sequels, set after Halloween: Resurrection, and starring Tommy Doyle (Paul Rudd!) and Doctor Loomis again.

Since then, Michael's comic book slashing has largely been confined to a number of alternately weird and stupid one-shots, and the miniseries Nightdance (2008), which at least gives the characters some room to breathe. You know, before Michael Myers strangles the life out of them.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.