10 Comic Characters You Totally Forgot Are Already In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. The Human Torch

Who? The original Human Torch - not to be confused with the Fantastic Four's Human Torch - was introduced all the way back in 1939. An android with the ability to, unsurprisingly, set himself aflame, he was originally a synthetic humanoid, but has since been rewritten to be more mechanical thanks to the villainous Mad Thinker's influence, and has continually allied himself with various heroes across the Marvel universe. In the MCU: During the Stark Expo scene in Captain America: The First Avenger, the Human Torch can be glimpsed within a display case being looked upon by a number of people. Unlike most Easter eggs that merely tease a character's potential to exist within the MCU, his status as an android means he's right there on the screen, undeniably a character within the MCU even if he, unfortunately, doesn't do anything. Why You Forgot: The shot is fleeting and the Human Torch didn't play into the rest of the film whatsoever. With a show like Agent Carter around, though, which again features the young Howard Stark, it'd be pretty awesome to see the android come into play in any future seasons and make such a small, seemingly insignificant moment from The First Avenger tie into the MCU in a much larger way.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!