10 Common Mistakes Comic Book Movies Make

7. Replacing Actors Rather Than Characters

rhodey fixed Perhaps this is one that studios just can't get around, or maybe it doesn't matter as much right now, but having different people play the same characters across a comic book franchise is less than ideal. Comic book films are now the interest of the general public and main characters are being brought together so now we can see Robert Downy Jr, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth come together in one film as well as, Mark Ruffalo? Wasn't it Ed Norton before? And what happened to Rhodey? And why is Chris Evans playing ANOTHER comic book character? Again, I can forgive it as I have a stronger grasp on the characters on show than the random passer-by on the street, but I can imagine that random person wondering why some characters rather than overs are played by different people. The main problem, which we may have had a glimpse with in the form of the Hulk, is when the main characters needs to change. What if Robert Downey Jr doesn't want to be Iron Man forever and the franchise needs to keep going? Replace him? Kill him? If you do, you've just killed marketable Intellectual Property, and you know how well the comic book industry deals with that.
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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24