10 Completely Original Movies To Look Out For In 2018

5. Eggplant Emoji

A Quiet Place Emily Blunt

Release Date: TBA 2018

For most, that weird title will only trigger memories of the awful Emoji Movie, but in reality, Eggplant Emoji is as far-removed from that kid-friendly animation as its possible to get.

Because this emoji movie will be a live-action comedy that follows a teenager who accidentally cuts off his penis. Yes, you read that correctly.

Produced by Ben Stiller and written by Matt Mider and Kevin Burrows, Eggplant Emoji is a dark, dark comedy that will find our unfortunate lead trying to save his, ah, appendage, before it's too late.

The obvious question here is 'how does one accidentally cut off their own penis", and though everything about this sounds ridiculous, the movie knows it. Like Superbad, Eggplant Emoji is looking to exaggerate each situation for comedic effect, and there's no telling the amount of crazy things these characters will do on their journey to re-attach that severed penis.

This should be a loud, brash, and crude movie to enjoy at home (it launches on Netflix next year) so please, for your sake, don't watch with your parents.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.