10 Complex Movie Schemes That Actually Make No Sense

7. Superman Returns, Lex Luthor Buys Up Real Estate

The Man Of Steel is the prototypical superhero, a larger-than-life champion for humanity who protects the powerless using his own god-like abilities. His arch nemesis is a man envious that his species look up not to him, but an alien who he sees as an "invader" rather than a paragon of his kind. When they clash, it's pretty spectacular. At least it should be - apparently Bryan Singer didn't get the memo, since when he dropped the X-Men franchise in order to make his love letter to the old Christopher Reeves Superman films, he decided it should mainly be about Clark Kent's paternity troubles, and Lex Luthor putting together a plot that involves seizing of real estate. Wow, aren't comic book films a great form of escapism from the drudgery of real life? Not if you're watching Superman Returns. Kevin Spacey was inspired casting as the supervillain, but his plan was...honestly, the plan is still a little shaky. He kills, like, a whole bunch of people so that he can seize control of an island. Then he terraforms the island so that it's all made of Kryptonite, then lures Superman there, so he ends up all weak and weepy and stuff. Which makes more sense then, y'know, just getting a bit of Kryptonite and stabbing it into the Man Of Steel's heart, or making a Kryptonite canon, or literally anything else.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/