10 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Sound Like Popular Movies

5. The Government Controls The Weather

David Icke The Matrix
Warner Bros.

“We had floods in Texas like fifteen years ago,” Alex Jones says. “Turns out it was the Air Force.”

Not content with labelling Bill Gates a mass murderer, Jones claimed that President Obama had “weather weapon stuff” that allowed him to “create and steer groups of tornados.” Remember Hurricane Sandy, the late season post-tropical cyclone that swept through the Eastern US in October 2012? Jones thinks the government created it using electromagnetic waves.

This basically means Obama is Sean Connery in The Avengers (1998), able to create major weather events at the push of a button. Or maybe Jones was thinking of Geostorm (2017), where Gerard Butler creates a system of satellites to control the climate. The system works fine until it’s hijacked by an insane Vice President, who uses it to launch a series of “pre-emptive strikes” on Afghanistan and Hong Kong.

Eventually, the Veep goes full-on berserk and attempts to kill the President in Orlando by manufacturing a superstorm. Yes, it’s kind of silly.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'