10 Conspiracy Theories That Actually Sound Like Popular Movies

4. 9/11 Was A "False Flag" Operation

David Icke The Matrix
Warner Bros

It’s a simple theory: destroy the World Trade Centre, blame the Muslims and the CIA, who were behind the attack all along, get to justify a massive budget increase. Except that’s not a theory, it’s the plot of The Long Kiss Goodnight, a 1996 movie starring Geena Davis and Samuel L Jackson.

Whenever real life seems to mirror fiction, conspiracy theorists call it “predictive programming”, meaning that the government hid references to the event in the popular culture years before it took place. This requires us to believe that the government is smart and capable enough to pull this off, which is a tough sell because Bill Clinton was in office at the time.

The numbers 9 and 11, however, are referenced several times throughout the film. The plot to blow up the WTC is codenamed “Operation Honeymoon” (both words have 9 letters), Davis has a key to “Box 227” (2+2+7=11) and at one point she tells Jackson to keep his radio on 127.1 megahertz (1+2+7+1=11) because the bad guys are on 126.9 (1+2+6=9).

Rather than being a straight coincidence, this is clearly a coded message: “On the 11th of September at 9 am, be somewhere else.”

No other explanation is possible.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'